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Museum Brandhorst
Theresienstraße 35A 80333 München
Holiday program Kids & Families

Holiday Program | Secrets and Stories II


Key data

  • Time of day10:00 until 4:00 PM
  • Target groupKids & Families
  • RegistrationPlease return the completed registration form to us by July 31, 2024 at the latest. For children and young people between the ages of 9 and 14. Participation is free of charge. Limited to 15 participants. No previous knowledge is required.


Would you like to tell your own stories and art secrets about works by Cy Twombly? In this holiday workshop, you will choose a work by the artist and develop your own audio pieces. Whether you have already taken part in our opening workshop or are new to it—together we will go in search of exciting stories, dream journeys and art secrets! Various creative exercises and movement tasks will also help us here. After some speech training, the texts will be recorded, designed and edited together in the recording studio.


Your texts will become part of the “Museum Buddy” project. The “Museum Buddy” will be a special companion for children, taking them on an interactive audio scavenger hunt through Museum Brandhorst. Be a part of it, illustrate works of art with sound, and tell art secrets and stories. Together with tonies® we invite you to create the “Museum Buddy”!

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