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Museum Brandhorst
Theresienstraße 35A 80333 München
Kunstpaten im Museum BrandhorstProgramm für Kinder und Familien in München
Workshop Kids & Families

Kids’ Factory | Contact Drawing

Key data

  • Time of day2:00 until 4:00 PM
  • Target groupKids & Families
  • RegistrationFree of charge | No registration necessary | Participation is possible at any time




Inspired by the art in Museum Brandhorst, we draw collaborative works.


“If you asked me to just do a painting, spontaneously, from my imagination, I would have no idea what to do. Everything for me is in response to something else.”

Lucy McKenzie


We will respond spontaneously to an artwork of our choice. Afterwards we will swap our sketch with someone else. We then add something to their drawing, responding to what was drawn before. We can try our hand at the same style, draw something appropriate to the content, continue a shape, or simply repeat the motif. We can also refine the sketch or comment on it. In a creative way, we discover different ideas for an artwork. We let ourselves be surprised and inspired. In the process, we try out new drawing styles, engage with each other, learn from and with each other.


“Art should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination, and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it.”

Keith Haring


The workshop will be run by graphic designer and illustrator Carla Nagel. She has worked for many years for museums and book publishers, among others, as well as in the field of science education. For Museum Brandhorst she has designed several art expeditions for children and the ActioncARTs. In addition, she realizes free artistic projects.





The Kids’ Factory is an offer for you kids. Every Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. you can get creative there according to your mood. Changing techniques and themes entice you to take part in varied and age-appropriate artistic activities. Whether drawing, painting, using different printing techniques or dancing, whether analog, digital or hybrid—we will take you into the world of colors and shapes and appeal to your imagination and creative spirit. Please bring your parents along to accompany you. You can join in at any time.





You’ll find many more programs for children and families at the museum, as well as fun creative projects to do at home, in our digital creative lab: Factory.