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Museum Brandhorst
Theresienstraße 35A 80333 München
Einblick in einen Workshop im Museum BrandhorstProgramm im Museum Brandhorst
Workshop Kids & Families

Open Factory | Associative Drawing

Key data

  • Time of day1:00 until 4:00 PM
  • Target groupsKids & Families, Teenagers, Adults
  • Participantsmax. 40 people
  • RegistrationFree of charge | No registration necessary | Participation is possible at any time




Yes, drawing is also a superpower! And you can practice it with us: In this workshop we create new art worlds.


With a simple drip technique we will create your universe of colors, shapes, characters and stories. We will be inspired by the artists in the museum: Cy Twombly is one of them. Together we will find the stories and motifs in your dripped paintings!


The workshop is led by Ronit Wolf.





Every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m., the intergenerational drop-in format "Open Factory" provides a great framework to allow you to get creative with the whole family or with friends, just as the mood takes you. Different techniques and topics inspire varied artistic pursuits and strolls through the exhibitions. Whether drawing, painting, working with different printing techniques, dancing; whether analog, digital or hybrid, we will whisk you away to the world of colors and shapes, and appeal to your imagination and creative spirit.





You will find more information about our artists and artworks, creative projects for your home and many other workshops and tours for your next visit in our digital creative laboratory the Factory.

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